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Clear Communication - eBook

Author: Tom Gilb

Do you need to communicate your ground-breaking ideas clearly?

Communicating between people is notoriously difficult, but we have a large number of tricks of the trade everything from simple ones like we call them Ambiguity Test, to very advanced ones, called them Value Decision Tables.

We will share all those techniques with you in this book. It is called Clear Communication and will handle oral, written, digital, and visual communication, although body language and telepathy are not going to be included.

It is aimed at people who need to quickly break through, and communicate their ground-breaking ideas, for technology and international organizations.

This book covers several communication settings; like blogs, speeches, meetings, discussions, delegation, outsourcing, promotion, consulting, inspiration, team building.

Take a look! You can pick one idea at a time, and if it works well, choose more while you still go through the book.

To get started:
1. Purchase the Clear Communication eBook
2. Pick a trick at a time
3. Communicate Clearer



What People Are Saying:

Most people find it difficult to communicate their ideas well, myself included. This book has helped me formulate my ideas clearly to clients.

Håkon Reisvang - CEO i4technology