Author: Tom Gilb
Life is getting more complex, isn't it, and it's changing a lot?
Wouldn’t you like 100 tools to help you make better decisions and analysis of this ocean of complexity that hitting you in your job and your life every day?
We have been using these principles in practice for decades in work, we know how powerful they are, we know how well they work.
You forget that you can waste your time doing a lot of stuff that isn't going to work.
"A simple example of one of the principles would be that you cannot really, seriously and reliably evaluate a suggestion, a solution or idea unless you really have a clear idea of the multiple requirements or adjectives you have on the one hand and the multiple limitations constraints and resources you have on the other." - Tom Gilb
These principles are eternal; they work forever; we think they would have worked thousands of years ago in Egyptian times, for example, they are powerful, they will give you breakthrough abilities in meetings and conversations with people and your daily work.
This book gives you wisdom and commentaries from some of the most famous deep thinkers of the world, like Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Elon Musk.
This book is for Product Owners, Project Managers, CTOs, anyone involved in product development.
It contains 100 Principles that you can learn them formally, become conscious of them, exploit them, try them out one by one see how well they work, and you will become a more powerful person in the area of analysis and planning and people conversation.
To get started:
1. Purchase the 100 Practical Planning Principles eBooklet
2. Read and learn the principles formally
3. Become conscious of them, exploit them, try them out one by one