Author: Tom Gilb
Wouldn't you like a slightly more systematic way of planning your life and your career?
We have got a book for you, it's called Life Design and is based on very systematic methods for thinking out your many desires and how you're going to be happier and make your life more meaningful. It will force you to think more deeply about your life and your career than you ever have. It'll give you tools to communicate what you want with your friends, mentors, and family and it'll provide them with a mechanism to communicate with you if you're going to plan their life and their career with your new methods.
What We Are Not Going to Do in this booklet
- suggest specific 'life-changing' ideas to succeed
- tell you what to do: you will find your own solutions for your own goals
- lock you into any process which does not deliver your values
- tell you what your own personal values are: but we'll help you figure them out
- help you cope directly with instant emergencies: this is longer term thinking
Our Life Improvement Steps
- Clarify your Value Sources: what and who are your guides and inspirations?
- What are your very own real core values for your long-term life?
- What are your show stoppers, red lines, constraints, borders?
- What big ideas do you want to consider, to get your values?
- Let’s estimate how good those ideas are, for reaching your dreams
- It is often useful to chop up a big idea (years to do), into small practical steps (weeks)
- And then try out a small practical step, to see if it really gives you your value
if it does, great! If not replan. Find better ideas; some will hopefully work better
- Try out some more small value-delivery steps:
- Repeat anything above when you feel the need.
So would you like to find perhaps even radical solutions which will work in the short-term and yet think about your long-term, your whole life? We’ve got a book for you, it’s called Life Design, and you can design your personal life and your career with it.
To get started:
1. Purchase the Life Design eBook
2. Read and learn
3. Design your personal life and your career