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1. Value Planning (€10)
2. Evo (€14)
3. Competitive Engineering
4. Innovative Creativity (€14)
5. Life Design (€14)
6. 100 Practical Planning Principles (€14)
7. Clear Communication (€14)

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Innovative Creativity - eBook

Author: Tom Gilb

Do you want to be more creative?

There are lots of methods that try to teach you creativity, but we have a slightly different focus.

We don’t believe that just creating something new is a good thing. We believe that creating Value for human beings is an essential idea, and we need to be innovative in creating Value.

We have specific methods for doing that, including the ability to quantify everything, including the soft value factors. Is packaged in a little booklet called “Innovative Creativity” and we define innovation as stuff that delivers new Value we don’t have, but we do want.

This book focuses on practical tools to help you and your teams generate ideas which will produce real stakeholder value in the short term, early in your projects and long-term. It contains real case studies from our experience of their use.

These ideas have won million dollar prizes, and been used for space and military technology. Many of the tools are based on our Planning Language Planguage. This means our focus is not simply of ‘creating some new idea’. Our focus is on delivering, and engineering, real multiple measurable qualities, and values for multiple stakeholders. We are also focused on multiple costs, short-term capital costs and longer-term running or maintenance costs.

This book is a treasure of practical ideas for innovative projectsstart-up companies and any other endeavor of creating new products and services and even just for training people with comprehensive tools for being more productively creative when they have to.

Our methods keep the focus on the key values and the entire system, not just on the developed product.

To get started:
1. Purchase the Innovative Creativity  eBooklet
2. Read and learn
3. Focus on creating Value