Author: Tom Gilb
These Technoscopes, tools for planning, are based on the Planning Language, Planguage, well proven industrially for decades.
We cover the following broad subjects:
1. Requirements; especially value and quality requirements quantified.
2. Designs, Strategies, Solutions for Value at low cost
3. Value Tables (Value Decision Process): the relationship between your ideals and your ideas
4. Spec QC: measurement of specification quality
5. Evo: Evolutionary Agile Value Delivery Project Management
Each major subject is presented in terms of 20 distinct tools, which will give you practical ideas for your everyday work as a professional planner.
Most ideas can be cherry-picked and used immediately. Many of the ideas can be made to work together to give a bigger clearer picture of a complex problem.
These tools have been successfully used for decades by companies like Intel, Philips, Boeing, Ericsson, Citigroup, HP; often adopted corporate-wide because ‘This Stuff Works’ (Erik Simmons, Intel)
The Techoscopes work on small projects and scale up to the largest national government projects, in practice.
To get started:
1. Purchase the TECHNOSCOPES eBooklet
2. Read and learn
3. Use immediately